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See The 10 Best Professional In Ear Monitors on Ezvid Wiki ►►
Fact #1. The earliest in-ear monitoring system was developed by a sound engineer. Using his desire to experiment with new techniques and equipment, he found success in working with Stevie Wonder. Wonder's frustration with being restricted to the keyboard inspired the engineer to develop a rudimentary monitor system that handled the transmission of both a music mix and communication wirelessly.
Fact #2. A professional in-ear monitoring system provides you with an isolated mix of audio content delivered directly to your ears. It does so without subjecting them to overexposure from dangerously high decibel levels. These monitors physically resemble a pair of traditional earbuds, but with a dedicated purpose of isolating vocal and instrumentation mixes during live performances.
Fact #3. In-ear monitors are available in both universal and custom fits. Universal monitors are equipped with ear tips made from either foam or silicone. They come in a variety of sizes to accommodate differently-shaped ear canals. Custom monitors are made from similar materials. However, they require an additional step in which an audiologist takes professional ear impressions.
Fact #4. Portability is a major benefit of these devices. They're small enough to fit inside a backpack or briefcase. This makes them quite convenient for travel purposes. Being as small as they are, they're also beneficial for use at weddings and church events. They provide for an unobtrusive presentation to an audience.
Fact #5. Depending on the types of live performances and venues at which your perform, you should understand the sound isolation rating for the monitors you're considering. This value is typically measured in decibels. A higher decibel rating means that a larger volume of ambient sound is blocked. This means that you experience less interference from the surrounding environment during a live performance. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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