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01 4 Da People Brosi Da Hey - El Bambino Dub (Grey City Records)
02 Alex Delgado - Some More (Original Mix)
03 DJ Tonio - Closer Faster Stronger (Olivier Giacomotto Remix)
04 Guy Mantzur - Requiem For Us (Original Mix)
05 Alex Poxada - Disfunktion (DJ Fronter Remix)
06 Julien Sandre, Ivo Toscano - Definition (Original Mix)
07 Cid Inc. - Darpa (Original Mix)
08 Ben Weber & Axel Eilers - Heimdall (Omid 16B Remix)
09 4 Da People - Conology (Re-Master) - Grey City Records
10 DJ Tonio - Brave (Original Mix)
11 Sian amp Luigi Madonna - Royal Oak (Original Mix)
12 Jaceo Rejoyce Superjunk - Young Hustlas (Original Mix)
13 Cid Inc. - Moonstruck (Original Mix)
14 Drauf & Dran - Mischief ( Funkwerkstatt Remix )
15 Hollen - Kalypso ( Orginal Mix )
16 Hollen - Plucked ( Orginal Mix )
17 Mike Griego - Limbo
18 Thomas Schumacher - T.W.E.N.T.Y ( Orginal Mix )
19 Transecode - Afterlife ( Whyt Noize Remix )
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Thanks to Grey City Records from New Jersey, U.S.
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Necesito de tu apoyo para pagar el ancho de banda, soundcloud y para comprar música.
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Muchas gracias amigos!
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