Dromida Ominus Upgrade, Latrax Alias Shafts and Props

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Purchase shafts from Towerhobbies.com (2 for $3):
Purchase props from Towerhobbies.com (2 for $2):
Purchase battery from Hobbyking.com ($4):
The stock shafts are really soft making them bend in a hard crash and the much harder Alias shafts mount differently causing you to use the Alias props as well as making the flat spot of the shafts longer with a tool like a dremel or file and reducing the length of the gear sleeve with a knife of saw to make them fit. The prop screws are hex so you will need Allen wrenches. Thanks for watching and stay tuned for the test flight!
Watch my review of the stock Ominus:
Watch my review of the battery upgrade:
Watch my review of the Motor upgrade:
Watch my review of the battery and motor upgrade together:
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