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I finally got a DVR working, so here is some Tarot 130 footage. It is using the HMDVR from Banggood, set to "HD" mode. I suspect my video quality is SO low due to DVR settings. It is supposed to film in 720p 25fps, so not sure why it displays at 60fps. There is nothing gained by this though, (as the camera can't provide that resolution) so I will be trying "D1" which should be 480p at 30fps. This little guy is super fun to fly around the front here, and gets surprisingly long flight times of 6 minutes, as well as surprisingly good range for that little whip antenna (Maybe because of the 300mW VTX) Stay tune for the review and upcoming videos!
Quad available BNF at GearBest ($145.88):
Flying for Team Web FPV:
Check me out on Instagram!
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