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If you were following Huawei's presser from earlier today, you may have thought the company's CES 2013 story was "All About Android." Turns out, it's not. On the showfloor here at Pepcom, the company was able to give us a first look at the Ascend W1: it's first entry for the Windows Phone 8 space. Admittedly, the W1 doesn't share any of the lust-worthy, high-end specs that adorn the Ascend Mate and D2, but that's not its angle. As one Huawei rep put it, this is a value proposition, outfitted with a 4-inch display (we couldn't verify resolution) and 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 paried with 512MB RAM. Software-wise, this is about as stock WP8 as it gets, so don't expect to see any applications come pre-loaded onto the hardware. Continue reading here: .
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