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Exponent Technology Services: /
In this episode, the Roswell Flight Test Crew speaks with Danijel Jovanovic, the UAV Systems Manager for Exponent Technology Services. The company is using a standard multirotor drone equipped with an Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip reader to track the location of outdoor inventory: such as livestock scattered over a wide range, or cars parked at a port facility. Each target to be tracked and identified is equipped with either an active or a passive RFID chip and the drone records the signals from those chips while flying autonomously overhead. Upon landing, the data from on board the drone is loaded into Exponent Technology Services' software, to provide a geolocation for each of the tagged targets. This can dramatically expedite the location of individual pieces of inventory, and may have life-saving applications on oil rigs and in other hazardous work environments, by providing up-to-date information about the whereabouts of workers.
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