Official Team Legit FOHDY 40" Wing Build Video

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This is the comprehensive Legit Wing Fohdy build video endorsed by Team Legit.
Purchase Link:
Intro- 00:00
Gluing Wingbeds- 1:00
Cutting Motor mount slot- 3:40- Credit to the McDowells
Gluing Wings- 12:14
Cutting Spars- 13:44
Gluing Spars-17:23
Planning battery box cut- 19:00
Cutting the Battery box- 21:26 Credit to Volker B
Gluing Coroplast Bay Bottom- 24:35
Stepped down recess for battery bay- 25:40
Cutting technique for component bays and servos-28:54
Component bay tunnels - 38:00
Lamination- 41:00
Elevons- 49:35
Wing Hardware-52:00
Cutting Winglets- 58:44
Camera Planning-1:02:37
Gluing Winglets1:06:24
Gluing front skids- 1:10:30
Outro 1:12:25
If this video was helpful to you and want to support what I do, it's easy, click the Banggood link- Buy some connectors or extensions that you've been meaning to stock up on. Every click counts! Thanks..
A big shout out goes to That Drone Kid for his help with camera work on this video. He was a big help! Subscribe to his channel!
This is a link to Volker B's Channel- He helped with the Battery bay cutting technique:
Link to Shane and Heather McDowell's channel. They shared a ton of info that make these wings the best!
Be sure to subscribe to all the folks that make this hobby great!
Support my channel by clicking through to Banggood and buy some connectors you need anyway- is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.

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