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Flite Test - Bixler Plane - UPDATE
In this episode, the Joshes give us an extensive update on some of the behind the scenes goings ons as well as addressing some of the comments they receive online. They speak about adding some new elements to the show, including more challenge based episodes. Next they address the fact that, while many might find it hard to believe, Josh Scott does not know everything about RC. Also, Josh Bixler teaches folks how to use their media player. Next up is an exciting announcement, HobbyKing releases a new plane, a first for the store, a RTF. Dadde, the professional Sweedish Slapper shows off his skills, while the Joshes acknowledge that not everybody loves them. Speaking of love, the love that the Joshes share, is that of friends, a bromance at best. Oh, I almost forgot, Chad wants me to make sure I ask you to subscribe to the show.
-Fred Provost
David Windestål
Josh Bixler - Host (Experienced)
Josh Scott - Host (Noob)
Michael Cameneti -Videographer/Producer/Editor/Composer
Eric Monroe - Videographer
Chad Kapper - Producer/Director
Joab Roseberry - Audio
Wayne Griffith -- Media Management
David Windestal - Support
Flite Test Mission Statement:
Flite Test was created for people passionate about RC flight. Our hope is to create a show for the people that build and fly planes and helicopters as a hobby. They are the dreamers and engineers that get a thrill from the first hand launch of a maiden flight. The show will personify the veteran and the beginner alike giving them a chance to share common experiences with others, in turn, enhancing the RC community. The goal is to develop a creative outlet that allows us to work in our passion daily. Flite Test is designed to cater to the audience. It has just enough humor, technology and information to appeal to the RC flight crowd as a whole. We hope to empower, entertain and educate as we move forward with quality content.
Hobby King
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