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Get them from Banggood! Non HV version :
(ebay) Get a 5 pack of these awesome HV Graphene packs! :
Check out the ChopShop build for this bird on my other channel and don't forget to subscribe if you like the content! :
Follow the ChopShop video and build your own!
Get the 2pcs Beta75 Pro Frame :
Get the BetaFPV F4 brushless FC here:
Get GnB 600mah packs here:
Try some BetaFPV 650mah 1S HV packs! :
The 15000kv BetaFPV motor is out of stock but
The Happymodel version should be just as good for less! :
Try a higher KV motor!..
Get the BoldClash AIO :
Get a Frequent Flyer RC Black Tee!
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don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already!
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