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FliteFest 2016 is happening July 14th-17th
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Four days of fun, fellowship and flight! This years Flite Fest will be held July 14th–15th at Furey Field in Malvern, Ohio.
Flite Fest 2016 will feature many new and exciting activities, including the FT Building Series, FPV quad and wing racing, live music, night flying, twice the space, family activities, FT STEM training, fun competitions and live streaming!
The FT Building Series is a series of hands-on speaking sessions taught by featured instructors. The instructor lineup so far includes: Josh Bixler
Peter Sripol
David Windestal -
Joshua Orchard -
Ed O'Berine -
We'll also have FPV quad and wing racing with a new course from MultiGP!
This year's event will include live music and family activities, as well as night flying and fun competitions/combats!
We'll also feature FT STEM professional development training for teachers! This years flying event is shaping up to be our best event yet, so register today and we'll see you in July!
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