New Mediation Test Suite - Mobile Ads Garage

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There are multiple components that have to be set up correctly in order to use Mediation. With the new Google Mobile Ads Mediation Test Suite, you can check to see if your project has the right SDKs, adapters, and settings without having to guess. It's quick, easy and works on iOS, Android, and Unity. Sam helps guide you through the setup of each platform in this video.
Quick Links:
2:35 iOS integration
5:35 Mediation test suite usage overview
12:08 Android integration
15:02 Unity integration
Reference Links:
Episode 15 - Unity Mediation →
Episode 8 - AdMob Mediation →
Episode 11 - Mediation Adapters →
Episode 17 - Mediation Groups →
Android, iOS, and Unity Guides:
iOS →
Android →
Unity →
Mediation Guides →
iOS →
Android →
Unity →
Mediation Overview →
Watch more episodes of Mobile Ads Garage here:
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