Seizo & Púr Múdd - The Best Thing (Official Lyric Video)

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Seizo & Púr Múdd - The Best Thing (Official Lyric Video)
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Technically speaking, The Bearded Man was not born in the UK. This is because he wasn’t ever really “born” in the traditional sense of the word. And when he did manage to bring himself into existence, it far pre-dated our modern divisions of country, race, and class. So it’s fair to say, that he doesn’t have a drop of English blood in him. But of course, the opposite may be closer to the truth. Still, from time to time, he visits the great, albeit somewhat chilly land. He’s always admired their near total devotion to football in pub culture. It’s not that he *always* wants to get into senseless fights with random strangers, but every now and again, he’s been known to blow off some steam in this way. Probably while inebriated. *Cough*… Of course, that all changed when, in the midst of a particularly senseless brawl, a girl caught his eye. Suddenly he realized that: “Hey wait a minute! Fighting over something as utterly meaningless as organized sports is stupid!” She truly was the best thing that ever happened to him - He’s a changed man! Funny how we can be so blind sometimes.
Directed & Produced by 351 Studio
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