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Today we field a question from Ostobono Borsolios Bonsoros: “How does The Bearded Man party all the time? Doesn’t he have to worry about mundane shit like taxes, his 401k, and so on??” Well Mr. Bonsoros, a representative from The Bearded Man’s ultra swagged out clothing/tobacco line had this to say: “The Bearded Man’s brand is all about engaging today's youth. We understand that young people are the key to cigarette sales, and that’s why we’ve portrayed The Bearded Man as a rugged, tough, anything goes kind of brand ambassador. He’s the kind of guy that when you read about his adventures, you just wanna light up a Bearded Brand Cigarette (TM) and cool off in the fine summer breeze. Taxes? Never heard of them. Responsibilities? Not one. We’re selling a lifestyle brand, and we won’t rest until every kid has a smoke-stained beard.” Wow. Tough answer. Maybe next time, Ostobono, consider asking a marketing representative instead of one of The Bearded Man’s many billion-dollar lobbyists. Sorry if the bitter truth hurts you… For what it’s worth, spokespeople from teams Shaparder & LRX said: “We in no way endorse this message, and frankly we’re *shocked* by its offensive nature. But we do love the record label, so we guess it’s ok this time... But you’re on thin ice TBM!!!!” FYI, The Bearded Brand Vodka is coming out soon so stay tuned!
Written, directed and edited by: Pierre-Yves Bezat
Director of photography: Sébastien Soto
Produced by: Pierre-Yves Bezat
Make-up: Justine Poulat and Méghane Lepetit
Cameramen: Vivien Catel and Sébastien Soto
Costumes: Pierre-Yves Bezat
With: Gauthier Randis, Maud Crt, François Cachard, Rémi Viale-Moriaz, Clément Gaime
Shot on location at the Aiguebelette lake (Savoie, France)
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