xjet - Channel
Sunday wins and fails with RC planes and drones
RC planes, drones and the usual offenders make for more mirth and mayhem at the airfield again. ... -
Quick Vlog: I grill local politicians over drone rules
In today's quick RC and drone blog I talk about multirotors big enough to carry people, an el-che... -
Quick VLog: Canada and Sweden relax drone rules / regulations / laws
The rules and regulations surrounding drone use in Canada and Sweden are being loosened. Sadly, ... -
I fly drones in a Tokoroa park - am I in trouble?
The South Waikato District Council has told the media that there is no rule preventing us from fl... -
Tiny turbine-powered RC plane crashes
Is this the smallest turbine-powered RC model airplane you've ever seen? It flies pretty well, u... -
RC planes, jets and lots of fun on a Saturday
RC jets (with a scary near-crash), nitro, quads and the usual bunch of happy faces but this time ... -
Meet the SWMAC fliers of RC planes
You've seen some of these guys flying in my videos, now meet them. These are the brave souls w... -
The most beautiful RC planes in the world
These two models have featured in many of my videos and everyone remarks just how beautiful they ... -
Quick VLOG: Sorry Casey Neistat and drone regulators playing dirty
Another VLOG in which I stick it to the FAA, CAA and Transport Canada for their miserable perform... -
RC planes and drones (and lots of smoke)
What a beautiful winter's day for flying. All the usual offenders were present plus a special gu... -
Tokoroa International Model Park (update number 2)
I've started printing out the pledges to help start the Tokoroa International Model Park but ran ... -
VLOG: FAA drone registration rule quashed by the court
John Taylor has become a hero to thousands of drone and RC model fliers around the USA as he (alm...